Unlike other Mexican law and accounting firms, SDL Consulting does not take on a client simply because it requires legal or accounting services. SDL Consulting specializes in offering services to small and medium-sized firms that are offering services or selling product in the Mexican market. In this way, SDL Consulting is able to continually refine its focused services and not distract itself from this focus with clients outside of this framework.
SDL Consulting Legal Services Evolution - In 1998, Vince Lencioni obtained his Mexican law degree and began practicing shortly thereafter both within LGA Consulting/SDL Consulting and on behalf of Peyton & Associates, serving as this Tijuana firm´s Mexico City office with its corporate clients. Two years later, Vince began working with the Mexico City-based firm Barragan, Villela y Asociados, working extensively with their clilents in a variety of corporate, commercial, and intellectual property projects while continuing to develop the SDL Consulting corporate client base. Thereafter, Vince came to an agreement with Connell and Associates, a prominent Pacific Coast real estate law and corporate firm, to reestablish its Mexico City office. After several years of serving as the director of the Connell & Associate Mexico office, within SDL Consulting offices, Vince made the decision to end all formal affiliations and focus all legal efforts on SDL Consulting corporate and commercial clients and new client development.
SDL Consulting Accounting Services Evolution â In 1998, several legal clients inquired about accounting firm assistance in Mexico and about their interest in housing their legal and accounting activities within one firm to consolidate and simplify their administrative activities of their Mexico offices. From these comments, Vince Lencioni approached Nora Galvez about co-founding SDL Consulting and adding accounting services to the firm´s portfolio of services.
SDL Consulting legal staff, while competent and experienced attorneys, probably count with even more business, sales, and distribution experience, allowing them to understand how to ideally mix business realities and legal perspective to better service their clients needs and expectations. Most Mexican law firms cannot offer clients this important balance and perspective. Also, SDL Consulting recognizes that foreign clients consider the legal security of their business actions to be a priority. However, successfully doing business in Mexico and finding practical business solutions is the top, overriding priority of all of our clients. As a result, SDL Consulting considers its legal services only in the context of a successful business strategy.